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Silt Fence is a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment (loose soil) in stormwater runoff. All Silt Fence products sold are State approved and is listed on the DOT Qualified Product List.

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Silt Fence

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About Silt Fences

Silt fence is used on construction sites as a temporary sediment control device. The solution is put in place to protect the integrity of nearby bodies of water, including streams, seas, oceans, and lakes. Used as perimeter controls, silt fence may be used in conjunction with sediment traps and sediment basins. Installed and managed responsibly, these systems will retain sediment where soil can be distributed via land grading or other earthworks.

Using a silt fence is a popular option as they are easy to implement and relatively inexpensive.

Types of Silt Fence

Standard Staked Silt Fence

Basic installation consists of Standard Staked Silt Fence. Standard fencing has a high filtration and strength faculty. It minimizes pollutants and erosion that may result from construction processes.

Wire Back Silt Fence - Type C

Wire Back Silt Fence - Type C is made up of several components; woven geotextile fabric, hog wire backing, and steel post to provide extra support. Wire Back Silt Fence is required around creeks, streams, ponds, etc.

Orange Safety Fence

Orange Safety Fence is implemented where areas need high visibility and support. Its design is a plastic mesh. The solution is used to mark perimeters and to warn of dangerous areas.


DOT CPOP and DOT TYPE A are silt fence engineered with high tenacity polypropylene yarns. This material is designed to manage a stable network by allowing the yarns to maintain a relative position. The rugged material resists ultraviolet deterioration, rotting, and biological degradation. It’s inert to many commonly encountered soil chemicals. The CPOP Silt Fence replaces the Wire Back Silt Fence and is manufactured with a polypropylene mesh backing and pre-staked with true 2” X 2” hardwood stakes on 4’ centers. The TYPE A Silt Fence is pre-staked with 1 1/2” X 1 1/2” hardwood stakes on 6’ centers.

Tree Save Fence

Tree Save Fence is leno woven and creates a high visible orange barrier. It's used to mark boundaries around work zones and eco-sensitive areas. The solution has UV stabilizers to aid against ultraviolet deterioration.

Any silt fence product should be state approved and listed on the DOT Qualified Product List.

Reasons Why We Use Silt Fence

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