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Alabama Erosion Control

Who We Are

DX2 Geosyntex specializes in advanced erosion control solutions in Alabama, offering comprehensive services tailored to meet the unique needs of each project. With a dedicated team of experts, we ensure the highest standards of environmental protection and compliance.

Using more than 75 years of experience, we sell both woven and non-woven goods designed for your specific needs. 

DX2 Geosyntex, Inc., is a distributor for TenCate Mirafi® and a certified installer for Agru America, Inc.®

International Association of Geosynthetics Installers


Products We Offer

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Stabilization, Erosion and Sediment

Our services encompass a wide range of erosion and sediment control measures, including silt fencing, drainage, and slope stabilization. We utilize the latest technologies and best practices to deliver effective solutions that safeguard the environment and support sustainable development.

By adhering to these principles and ensuring regular maintenance, Alabama erosion control services can effectively protect the environment, reduce construction costs, and maintain the biological integrity of streams and lakes. For more information or to place an order, contact us today.

Protect your projects with our premium quality products.

Alabama Erosion Control Products

Benefits of Erosion and Sediment Control 

Effective erosion and sediment control is crucial for protecting the environment, contractors, and the public. By preventing sediment from entering channels, streams, lakes, and rivers, we ensure cleaner water and protected wetlands. Proper erosion control reduces maintenance costs for culverts, road ditches, and drainage channels, benefiting both the environment and public infrastructure. Contractors also save on construction costs through a well-executed erosion control program. The key to these benefits lies in the proper installation and maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMPs).

Principles of Erosion and Sediment Control 

Minimizing soil detachment and sediment production is fundamental in erosion control. This can be achieved by shortening construction periods and staging projects to minimize bare ground exposure. Implementing erosion control measures that reduce sediment transport off-site, especially around entrance/exits and cut-and-fill slopes, is essential. Sites near streams and wetlands require special attention due to their sensitivity. Regular inspections and maintenance of erosion control practices ensure their ongoing effectiveness, safeguarding the environment and reducing construction-related sediment issues.

Effective Installation and Maintenance 

Proper installation and maintenance of erosion control practices are critical for their success. Utilizing perimeter and interior sediment controls, and implementing practices in a sequence that supports effective seeding, are essential strategies. Regular inspections and timely repairs keep erosion control measures functioning optimally. Special care is needed for areas near streams and wetlands to prevent sediment runoff and protect these sensitive environments.

Site-Specific Strategies 

Every site requires tailored erosion control strategies. For instance, cut-and-fill slopes pose significant stabilization challenges and demand specific techniques. Additionally, sites near water bodies necessitate stringent control measures to prevent sediment from impacting streams and wetlands. Ensuring turbid water does not leave the construction site is a priority, and measures must be in place to manage muddy periods effectively.

Call Before You Dig 

Before commencing any earthmoving or excavation activities, it’s vital to determine the exact location of underground utilities. In Alabama, contacting Alabama 811 at 811 or 1-800-292-8525 is essential to avoid damaging utility lines. This precaution helps prevent costly repairs and ensures safe and efficient project execution.

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